00:10:05 Lynn: Can't hear you Richard! 00:10:33 Lynn: Did you add then to the cauliflower? 00:12:26 Marilyn Kopasz: Oh yeah, the book. Not me this week. I’m in Jason L’s class this week and didn’t do my readings. 00:15:47 Richard Nongard: my new book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z2L6WL5/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=step+spouse&qid=1571015233&sr=8-2 00:23:19 Laura: Can someone mute Dave or whoever is making all the background noise? 00:23:26 Laura: Got it. 00:23:42 JAN ! BICK: I like these opinions you're sharing on trance, Joseph 00:25:27 Richard Nongard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV06qId1HCg 00:30:21 Lynn: Can you hypnotize a drunk person who may me in an audience? 00:34:04 Lynn: lol 00:35:07 hil jacobson: do you work with pain clients who use medical marijuana including the? 00:36:48 Laura: Can you explain the controversy about trance depth? 00:37:03 hil jacobson: What about opiate addiction - do you ask the client to use less before coming? 00:37:50 hil jacobson: Use less opiate the day before the session when treating opiate addiction? 00:38:54 Richard Nongard: Pain control https://subliminalscience.com/product/hypnosis-pain-management-techniques/ 00:41:13 hil jacobson: If someone is both a pain client and has become addicted in the course of dulling their pain? 00:43:01 Marilyn Kopasz: So, I seem to be unintentionally resistance to hypnotic depths. Do you have any suggestions? I would like to experience what my clients would experience. 00:46:15 Lynn: You mean self hypnosis? 00:47:09 hil jacobson: Using hypnotic suggestion, waking hypnosis, as a part of pretalk? 00:47:48 Marilyn Kopasz: No, not self hypnosis, Lynn. This is with guidance with a hypnotist. 00:52:33 Richard Nongard: Pain control: https://subliminalscience.com/product/hypnosis-pain-management-techniques 00:55:28 JAN ! BICK: Marilyn, I have practice partners, which allow me to go into trance myself, as well as put my partner into trance 00:59:03 Lynn: I felt both 01:01:16 Vincent Blow: I felt both 01:09:46 hil jacobson: How ready are you to change… like it. Wrap the mind around the suggestion… 01:16:23 Lynn: Isn't it a shift in their identity that you are actually doing? 01:18:26 Joseph Onesta: I don't work with people who want to lose just a little weight either. For me 80 pounds is a minimum because someone who needs to lose a significant amount of weight understand that real change is necessary. People who want to lose 10 pounds for bathing suit season really seem to be looking for the change to come from outside themselves. 01:19:08 Lynn: Virtual gastric band is her program 01:21:20 hil jacobson: Maybe Oprah knows people are invested in seeing her gain and lose and gain and lose 01:21:22 Joseph Onesta: 60% of people who have bariatric surgery regain the weight! 01:22:23 Lige Rose: after how long? 01:23:19 Lige Rose: Can you post it again for us latecomers. 01:23:51 Joseph Onesta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV06qId1HCg 01:27:34 Joseph Onesta: bye everyone 01:27:34 Lynn: Yes 01:27:49 Lige Rose: Thank you Joseph! 01:28:22 Richard Nongard: https://subliminalscience.com/best-diet-hypnotists-recommend-weight-loss-hypnosis/